Who We Are

Janelle williams melendrez

Janelle Williams Melendrez has conducted anti-bias, inter\intra-group relations building, unconscious bias, cultural proficiency, and team building training with thousands of participants. Over the span of more than two decades, she has facilitated workshops to participants from college and university settings, K-12 institutions, community organizations, non-profit groups, social service agencies, and law enforcement professionals. Ms. Williams Melendrez has a Master’s degree in Counseling with an emphasis in multiculturalism and cross-cultural education.  Ms. Williams Melendrez currently serves as the Acting Executive Director of Employee Equity, Inclusion, and Professional Development at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, CA. She is a respected educator, professional developer, and conference speaker.


Jeffrey S. Bucholtz, M.A.

Jeffrey S. Bucholtz, M.A. is director of We End Violence, a violence prevention social business.  For 4 years Jeff served as president of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council, a county-wide collaborative body designed to increase cross-sector prevention and response efforts around domestic violence. For the past 17 years, Jeff has worked as an activist, organizer, and public speaker, providing consultation, presentations, and performances in the fields of sexual violence, masculinity, stereotypes/bias, relationship violence, gender normativity, pop culture, violence prevention, diversity & inclusion, stalking, bullying, working in alliances, feminist thought, collaboration, and the intersectionality of oppression.  Jeff is an award winning adjunct faculty member at Southwestern College and teaches courses on Violence Against Women and Popular Culture and Identity at San Diego State University.
