Our Theory of Belonging
As belonging conservationists we believe that everyone should have the chance to experience a culture of belonging:
a working environment where they feel valued, humanized, and respected.
This means we experience being recognized and acknowledged for ways we contribute to the environment (people) around us. We have access to similar opportunities as others, are able to contribute our unique insights, and are compensated fairly for our work.
This means we are acknowledging the wholeness of a person. That we are acknowledging and supporting all of who they are. We are putting their overall well-being and humanity at the forefront of our interactions with them, which will include learning about them and their unique experiences.
This means we treat one another in ways that:
Give credit for our work
Support our self-determined identities
Honor our boundaries
Exhibit trust
Compromise, collaborate, and demonstrate flexibility
And are affirming of who we are and what we do
We believe that when we create and maintain belonging, we connect people to our shared humanity, including our differences, which we can then leverage to help us grow, heal, and work together in an often divided world.
We believe that we are most likely to feel valued, humanized, & respected when 1) we can bring our authentic selves into the workplace, 2) we don’t have to try to conform or “fit in” because our identity is valued by the group as-is, 3) we feel connected to others and feel they care about our well-being, and 4) we are able to fill roles that contribute both to the group, and to our sense of self-worth.
Learn more about our theory and work by following us on YouTube.